The TSD T1H modular surge protection device provides high durability due to its leakagefree performance ensured by a special series connection of a varistor and a gas discharge tube. The product family is ideal as a supplement to the basic TSD T1 product family, available for single or three-phase TN-S, TT and TN-C systems, with a maximum continuous operating voltage of 300VAC where a complete absence of leakage current is required. With its Type 1 classification, the TSD T1H can be installed between boundaries 0b – 1 and higher. The varistor-based protection modules feature outstanding short-circuit currents up to 50 kARMS without using a back up to a main fuse, with a nominal current of 315A. The device can be installed upstream of meter panels in low-voltage consumer installations. An optional remote contact (RC) features a three-pole remote signaling terminal that enables remote monitoring of the device’s operating state.